4 Reasons Why you Should Store the Ice Cream Specifically
4 Reasons Why you Should Store the Ice Cream Specifically Business,Food & Beverages Ice cream is a highly popular product that is enjoyed by people throughout the year. Ice cream is a large revenue generator for food businesses. Ice cream just like other food products is perishable so it is essential that you know all the important factors of ice cream storage so that the texture and taste of ice cream are preserved. The best way of providing best storage conditions is to use ice cream freezer. Here are some reasons for using these freezers. The right temperature The temperature is an important factor in maintaining the quality of the ice cream. The texture of the ice cream can only be maintained if it is kept at the right temperature. The temperature of the freezer should be below -20 degrees F. it should be hard to touch and completely frozen. If the temperature is not perfect, the ice cream will start to melt and ice crystals will form. ...